Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Smooth Sailing

No photo today, as I'm on my laptop and I don't have any personal photos loaded on here yet. I'm still getting used to typing on it, I've never had a laptop before, even for work. This has been a good week, and now that I'm counting points again on Weight Watchers, and tracking online with their eTools, I feel more in control. I haven't felt that in awhile, I have just been eating all day without any thought behind what I was cramming down my throat, and without being mindful of the portions. I know there are people out there who abhor having to count points or write down what they eat or get out the old measuring cups, but for me, it has been the only thing that has ever worked. Having it there written down in front of me, makes me feel more responsible for my actions, because they are staring back up at me. And neither of us wants to blink first!

I have had a major setback on the exercise front. Last weekend I woke up with what I thought was a small crick in my neck (do you all know what that means, or is that strictly a Southern term?), and it has spiraled 10 days later into me going to the urgent care center last night in almost unbearable pain. They said it's a muscle sprain and spasms, but I believe I have torn something in my shoulder, probably just a muscle. It is a deep, searing, constant pain that nothing has alleviated. Not drugs, heating pads, massages, stretching. And certainly keying at work for ten hours a day is not helping, because of course it's my right shoulder. The only thing I can think of, is I somehow did this playing on the Wii last weekend- whether it was playing the golf or the baseball- and so I have been basically creeping along in misery these past two weeks. Exercise is not going to be on the near horizon for me, so the Weight Watchers program is going to be it for right now.

I am actually looking forward to my weigh-in on Friday morning, excited and curious, and hopefully I will like what I see. We've been out to dinner twice this week, and I got salad and water both times. A big change for me, but I enjoyed the meal and especially the time with my husband. So, I don't need to have a huge burger with extra mayo, in order to enjoy a nice night out. I have to change my thought process, before I can ever hope to change my bad eating habits.


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